Physical education
PE Lessons
At Kyson, Physical Education lessons take place twice a week across both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, and EYFS. At Kyson, PE is taught by both a specialist PE teachers and class teachers. PE lessons take place in the hall, KS1 and KS2 playgrounds and the school field.
Since January 2022, we use ‘Complete PE’, a fantastic interactive Physical Education resource, to support the implementation of a high quality Physical Education curriculum. The units of work cover all areas of the Physical Education National Curriculum for EYFS, KS1 and KS2. Our curriculum includes a wide range of individual and team sports, as well as gymnastics, dance, athletics and OAA (Outdoor and Adventurous Activities).
PE in Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Physical education in EYFS takes place once a week, taught by class teachers. PE in Reception and Nursery focusses on the children learning and developing core skills that they will build upon as they move onto Year 1 and beyond. As the children work towards the statutory framework of the Early Learning Goals, by the end of Reception children are expected to:
- Negotiate space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and others.
- Demonstrate strength, balance and coordination when playing.
- Move energetically, such as running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and climbing.
Opportunities to achieve these goals are provided in PE lessons and also within the children’s daily school routine with access to a well-equipped outdoor area. Adults support the children by providing opportunities to develop their gross motor skills in an encouraging and stimulating environment. This may be through play, equipment e.g. stepping stones and hoops set up as an obstacle course in the outdoor area or through a specific adult-led activity.
In Early Years at Kyson we follow the Complete PE scheme. This supports the children with the core skills that are needed to take part in physical activities and games. At the beginning of the school year the children practise crucial skills e.g. running, hopping, jumping and skipping. The children are assessed on these types movements using the Base Line Assessment when they begin Nursery and also at the beginning of Reception. Further into the school year, PE is assessed in an informal basis through observations, photos and videos which are then assessed against the Early Learning Goals. Complete PE allows the children to progress their key skills and personal development, which then supports them as they move up to Year 1.
Children in EYFS also take part in Kyson intra-school sport competitions throughout the year. These are adapted so that the game or skill is appropriate for the children in Nursery and Reception. The children in EYFS enjoy participating in these games and it creates a sense of Kyson community for the younger years.
Complete PE lesson example in Reception – Ball Skills:
- Warm up which focuses on skills learnt from the previous lesson e.g. rolling a ball on the ground using two hands with increasing control.
- Introduced to new skill e.g. bouncing a ball using two hands with control and spatial awareness of others while moving.
- Developing the new skill e.g. bouncing the ball with alternate hands and then one hand if the child feels confident.
- Moving onto more challenging skills e.g. bouncing the ball using alternate hands or one hand whilst weaving in and out of cones.
- Cool down – discussing why we may feel hot and why our heart is beating faster, stretching out muscles we used in the session.
PE in Key Stage 1 (KS1)
Across Years 1 and 2 children focus on the fundamental skills required in sport. These are taught through lessons in multi-skills, dance and gymnastics and focus on children mastering basic movements such as:
Running, jumping, throwing, catching, balance, agility and coordination.
They will also be taught to participate in team games, using simple tactics for attacking and defending and perform dances using simple movement patterns.
PE in Key Stage 2 (KS2)
Across Years 3 – 6 children will master more challenging and complex skills such as:
- Running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and combination
- Playing competitive games, modified where appropriate
- Applying basic principles of attacking and defending
- Developing flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance
- Performing dances using a range of movement patterns
- Taking part in OAA individually and in teams
- Evaluate performances and demonstrate improvement
Our Year 3, 4 and 5 children receive coaching from Jon Mansfield, the head coach at Woodbridge Tennis club, throughout the academic year.
Swimming is taught using our own Kyson pool during the Summer Term; further details about swimming at kyson can be found here.
School Games
Kyson is a member of the Suffolk School Games, which allows us to enter a huge network of inter-school competitions (across the county) for both our Key Stage 1 and 2 children. Competitions are either ‘develop’, where there is no overall winner, or ‘compete’ which follows a more traditional competition format.
In addition to the Suffolk School Games, we regularly have fixtures with local primary schools, including in netball, football and cross country. Kyson hosts a rounder’s festival for schools within our local area during the Summer Term.
All children across the school participate in our Kyson Primary School Intra-Sport Competitions throughout the academic year.
Our aim is to ensure the competitions are fun, competitive and inclusive so all children can succeed and feel proud of their achievements. It will also provide them with a variety of learning opportunities:
- To develop their skills and abilities in a wide variety of sports;
- To work collaboratively as part of a team alongside their peers;
- To develop leadership skills;
- To experience the intrinsic feeling of both winning and losing.
The school has been split into 4 house teams, with siblings being organised in the same team. The teams will be represented into different colours:
Green - Yellow - Blue - Red
We endeavour to provide our pupils with as many opportunities as possible to partake in competitive and non-competitive intra-school and inter-school events and work hard to enrich the pupils school lives with physical activity. We currently hold the Gold School Games Mark.
primary national curriculum physical education 1 .pdf