Kyson Primary School

01394 384481 @KysonSchool


Kyson Election

It's official. After weeks of campaigning, debating and canvassing, we have declared Kyson's first prime minister to be Lennie of the 'Fix Kyson's Problems and Change the World Party'! Last month, 10 strong parties formed, each with their own agendas and a year 5 or 6 leader. Since then, they have created posters, stickers, slogans and questionnaires. Each leader was even put through their paces with our very own version of Question Time, where they all stood up to scrutiny from both Speaker, Mr Gunson, and members of the audience. Kyson's General Election culminated in a vote yesterday, where every child had the opportunity to anonymously vote by ballot paper in the library. We are proud of every child who worked to create a party this year and we are very impressed with the amount of interest the entire school has shown in the proceedings.