Music plays a very important role in Kyson life. Please click here to listen to our brilliant Music Ambassadors past and present.
Listen to how well our new brass pupils have done after just one term of lessons.
Music Staff
- Classroom teacher, orchestra and choir leader: Mrs Susan Rea
- Instrumental peripatetic teachers:
- Strings - Mrs Cal Fell and Mrs Katharine Joyson
- Woodwind - Mrs Lesley Clarke
- Brass - Miss Marian Hellen
Classroom Music Lessons
Class Music lessons at Kyson are taught by our specialist Music teacher, Mrs Susan Rea. They are based on the Kodály principles of teaching Music. This is a song-based approach to teaching music literacy- how to read and write music. Songs are sung for pleasure and also as a tool by which music theory can be learnt.
We play singing games each lesson and learn about pulse, rhythm and pitch, along with musical expression. We use percussion instruments to practise the points of musical focus we have learnt from the songs and also for improvising and composition. We listen to a range of music and use this as an inspiration for our creative work.
This approach gives the children a thorough grounding in all aspects of music theory which can then easily be transferred to the learning of an instrument.
Peripatetic Teachers
We are very fortunate to have four peripatetic music teachers who currently teach over 100 pupils in small groups lessons. These are offered from Year 2 upwards. Instruments offered are strings, woodwind and brass, along with toots and doods - beginner flutes and clarinets. There is more information about these on the music lessons page.
Extra Curricular Music
Choir - Choir is offered as a club throughout the year. Over the years the choir has performed at St Johns Church in a charity concert, in the Summer Concert and most recently entertained residents of Seckford Alms houses and Clarkson Court. They sing a range of different genres-songs from shows, folksongs, African songs and rounds.
Our have recorded two songs this term. Please enjoy listening to them; "A Scary Fairground Ride" and "An Austrian went Yodelling".
primary national curriculum music.pdf