Assemblies take place every day at school. The whole school meets from 9.10am to 9.30am in the hall, except for Thursdays when each class/year group have their own assembly.
Typical assemblies include a faith story or a story with a moral or a person’s life story. They are chosen to promote spiritual development, to illustrate values, to develop social and emotional skills, to develop empathy with others or to promote a shared sense of community. During and after the stories, children are encouraged to reflect and think for themselves about their personal feelings and responses. Some assemblies include a moment for reflection.
We end most assemblies by sharing school community news. We celebrate with individual children, their particular achievements. These may include, “writers of the week”, sports fixture news or Kyson Superstars (click here for link). On Fridays, we congratulate the “Pride of Kyson” winners.
Assemblies are led by:
- The Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher
- Local church and faith leaders
- Community organisations eg. NSPCC, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Just Different
- Classes - on Fridays “class assemblies” are a highlight of the week, to which parents are warmly welcomed
Recent Assembly Themes have included:
- “Values for Life” :Courage, Creativity, Peace, Trust, Forgiveness, Justice, Thankfulness, Compassion, Friendship, Hope, Truthfulness, Humility, Respect, Wisdom, Service, Responsibility,Generosity
- Great Britons
- Remembrance
- Stories and People from around the World
- Hannukah and Purim (Jewish Festivals)
- National Poetry Day
- Diwali (Hindu Festival of Light)
- Harvest Thanksgiving
- Advent and Christmas