Kyson Primary School

01394 384481 @KysonSchool

Forest School


EYFS and KS1

We are very pleased to inform you that all children in Early Years and Keystage One will be taking part in ‘Forest School’ sessions this term.

The sessions will take place in our Forest School Area at Kyson on the following days:

Forest school Timetable:

  • Nursery – Wednesday Afternoon
  • Reception – Wednesday Morning
  • Year One – Thursday Morning
  • Year Two – Thursday Afternoon

Forest School is an inspirational learning process that is in an outdoor environment. It allows children to develop socially, emotionally and physically through play, preferred learning styles and hands on experience. It gives children the time and space necessary to develop the tools to become resilient, independent and inquisitive learners. Our main aim is to engage children in the natural environment and to have lots of fun!

We plan to be outside in the Forest School area through all seasons and weather conditions. To help the children be prepared for this we will provide them with waterproof trousers. Please could you make sure that your child has a pair of wellies in school on their Forest School Day or suitable footwear for an outdoor environment. As the weather gets colder, please ensure they have warm clothing, including a coat, hat and some gloves (these may get muddy!).


Year 3

Each week a group of Year 3 students take an adventure into a forest in Woodbridge as part of our Forest School Programme.

The children spend the afternoon developing social and technical skills in a hands on learning environment filled with many opportunities for fun. From working collaboratively to build a shelter, to learning fascinating facts about the nature around them, forest school allows our children to build resilience, confidence and independence outside of the classroom.

The children love being in and learning from nature and often show a great sense of engagement and motivation which gives them a wide variety of experiences.

Forest School Handbook