How we teach Geography at Kyson
At Kyson, Geography is taught following the CUSP curriculum, which aims to ignite children’s love for Geography, preparing them with essential knowledge for Key Stage 3 and beyond! All year groups use CUSP as the foundational structure for their topics.
The CUSP Geography curriculum draws upon prior learning, wherever content is taught, allowing connections to be made within and throughout topics. There is a mix of substantive knowledge and disciplinary knowledge woven throughout the curriculum which supports an overarching geography schema. A guiding principle of CUSP is that pupils become ‘more expert’ with each study and grow an ever broadening and coherent mental model of the subjects. This guards against superficial, disconnected and fragmented understanding and knowledge.
Geography in KS1 and KS2
In KS1 and KS2, a unit of work is generally approximately 6 sessions. Sessions may be taught once a week or as several sessions across a week.
Geography in EYFS
Geography is taught throughout the ELG of ‘Understanding the World’. Pupils learn about the past and present through daily activities, exploring through change, and understanding more about the lives of others through books and visitors as well as their own experiences. These experiences are drawn upon and used to position new learning in KS1. In geography, EYFS pupils learn about People, Culture and Communities or The Natural World through daily activities and exploring their locality and immediate environment. The children’s interests lead teacher planning resulting in a flexible curriculum.
Memorable Moments/ Enrichment Opportunities
Teachers will plan ‘hook’ or ‘memorable moments’ to enrich pupil experiences in geography units. This might involve an immersive day, trip or visitor that enhances, builds upon and supports pupil’s ability to retain the key knowledge in each unit. For example, our Year 4 children had the opportunity to go for a walk along the River Deben.
primary national curriculum geography.pdf