Kyson Primary School

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Positive Playtimes

At Kyson Primary School, we are dedicated to ensuring all our children experience Positive Playtimes that are stimulating, creative and happy; where all children demonstrate kindness, courteous and respect for one another.

 Through our Positive Playtimes approach, we aim to increase the amount of positive interactions and activities undertaken during playtimes and reduce the amount of behaviour issues on the playground – this in-turn will contribute to positive actions in the classroom.

Play Leaders

A key feature of our Positive Playtimes is our Play Leaders scheme where our wonderful Year 6s volunteer their time to organise games and activities for the younger children during our lunchtime play.

This scheme encourages our oldest children to develop their responsibilities, well-being, organisation, social skills and team work. Our play leaders volunteer their time to support the younger pupils at play times to establish a happy play time for all children. They have received training on how to deliver different games at lunchtimes. As well as delivering traditional playground games, gymnastics and officiating games, the children have lots of play equipment to enjoy together, ranging from hula hoops, skipping ropes, basketballs, parachute to table tennis.

Playground Zones

We have created stimulating playground zones to engage the children during playtimes.

Explorers Zone: a safe space for children to explore nature, hang out with their friends, create dens, walk a slack-line and play on our swings. 

Space Hoppers and Scooters Zone: a safe space where children can ride a scooter or bounce on a space hopper on our Mile Pathway.

Fun Fitness Zone: a safe space where children can take part in various fitness activities alongside Mrs Ripman. These activities support children in developing a variety of physical motor skills, alongside boosting confidence and self-esteem. Activities might include boxing, battle ropes, slam ball, circuits and a variety of ball skills.  

Play Equipment: a safe space where children can climb, balance across our timber trail and play with their friends.

The Dig:
 a safe space where children can play a board game, read a book or beat their time on the speed stacking.

You can see here an example of our weekly timetable outlining when all classes have their turn at the different zones.

Friday Disco

To celebrate the end of the week, every Friday we have a disco led by Mr Ward and our Year 6 Play Leaders. Children from all year groups join in dancing to their favourite songs and enjoy having fun with their friends.

Sunshine Tokens

Our approach to celebrating positive playtimes is through Sunshine Tokens.

During playtimes, ‘sunshine tokens’ are given out by our MDSAs and school staff to children who are demonstrating positive play:

  • Lining up sensibly.
  • Using their manners in the dining hall and on the playground.
  • Speaking politely to our wonderful MDSAs.
  • Looking after the equipment.
  • Including everyone in their play.
  • And of course: for being kind, courteous and having respect for ourselves and others.

When children are given a token they will take it to their year group sunshine box (located outside Mrs Ridall and Mrs Brennan's office). The year group with the most sunshine tokens at the end of the week wins the Positive Playtimes Cup - the year group with the most cup wins at the end of each term will receive an extra playtime.