Kyson Primary School

01394 384481 @KysonSchool

Art and design

At Kyson, Art topics are taught half-termly using the Kapow Primary scheme of work which is a broad and balanced art curriculum, providing challenge and support for all learners. Our curriculum is designed with an emphasis on teaching the skills needed to be an artist, with every year group having a topic dedicated to the teaching of these skills. The skills are taught through five main areas: making skills, generating ideas, formal elements, knowledge of artist and evaluation. 

art ltp.pdf

  Our Art and Design lessons are planned to engage, inspire and challenge children, equipping them with the skills to create their own works of art.

 The children are taught in a way that ensures progression of skills and follows a sequence that builds on previous learning. This progression focuses on developing their making skills, improving their ability to generate ideas, broadening their knowledge of great artists, craft and design, improving their ability to evaluate and analyse their own and other works and providing opportunities to experience the language around art and design. Sometimes, Art might link to other subjects such as History or Geography.

 Children completing a topic on Prehistoric pallets, linked to The Stone Age in History

 Children make use of digital technology where appropriate to present and share their learning with others.

Art education is an area of the curriculum which allows children to show creative expression and provides a valuable role in supporting children with emotional and behavioral problems. We aim to ensure all children are included in lessons through providing support where needed, using different resources, pre-teaching and ensuring learning opportunities are matched to the needs of pupils of all abilities.

primary national curriculum art and design.pdf